Notch ligand delta-like 4 blockade attenuates atherosclerosis and metabolic disorders.

Author(s): Fukuda D, Aikawa E, Swirski FK, Novobrantseva TI, Kotelianski V, Gorgun CZ, Chudnovskiy A, Yamazaki H, Croce K, Weissleder R, Aster JC, Hotamisligil GS, Yagita H, Aikawa MJournal: Proc Natl Acad Sci U S APMID: 22699504 July 2012
Atherosclerosis and insulin resistance are major components of the cardiometabolic syndrome, a global health threat associated with a systemic inflammatory…

Macrophage Mal1 deficiency suppresses atherosclerosis in low-density lipoprotein receptor-null mice by activating peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ-regulated genes.

Author(s): Babaev VR, Runner RP, Fan D, Ding L, Zhang Y, Tao H, Erbay E, Gorgun CZ, Fazio S, Hotamisligil GS, Linton MFJournal: Arterioscler Thromb Vasc BiolPMID: 21474828 June 2011
The adipocyte/macrophage fatty acid-binding proteins aP2 (FABP4) and Mal1 (FABP5) are intracellular lipid chaperones that modulate systemic glucose metabolism, insulin…