Author(s): Tirosh A, Tuncman G, Calay ES, Rathaus M, Ron I, Yalcin A, Lee YG, Livne R, Ron S, Minsky N, Arruda AP, Hotamisligil GS|Journal: Cell Metab|PMID:33340456| December 2020
Endoplasmic reticulum stress (ERS) has a pathophysiological role in obesity-associated insulin resistance. Yet, the coordinated tissue response to ERS remains…
Author(s): Tirosh A, Calay ES, Tuncman G, Claiborn KC, Inouye KE, Eguchi K, Alcala M, Rathaus M, Hollander KS, Ron I, Livne R, Heianza Y, Qi L, Shai I, Garg R, Hotamisligil GS|Journal: Sci Transl Med|PMID:31019023| April 2019
The short-chain fatty acid propionate is a potent inhibitor of molds that is widely used as a food preservative and…