Author(s): Parlakgül G, Arruda AP, Pang S, Cagampan E, Min N, Güney E, Lee GY, Inouye K, Hess HF, Xu CS, Hotamisligil GS|Journal: Nature|PMID:35264794| March 2022
Cells display complex intracellular organization by compartmentalization of metabolic processes into organelles, yet the resolution of these structures in the…
Author(s): Güney E, Arruda AP, Parlakgül G, Cagampan E, Min N, Lee GY, Greene L, Tsaousidou E, Inouye K, Han MS, Davis RJ, Hotamisligil GS|Journal: Sci Signal|PMID:34905386| December 2021
Chronic metabolic inflammation is a key feature of obesity, insulin resistance, and diabetes. Here, we showed that altered regulation of…
Author(s): Arruda AP, Pers BM, Parlakgül G, Güney E, Goh T, Cagampan E, Lee GY, Goncalves RL, Hotamisligil GS|Journal: Elife|PMID:29243589| December 2017
Defective Ca handling is a key mechanism underlying hepatic endoplasmic reticulum (ER) dysfunction in obesity. ER Ca level is in…
Author(s): Parlakgül G, Hotamisligil GS|Journal: Cell Metab|PMID:28591628| June 2017
The specific immunological components linking metabolic stresses to liver inflammation and systemic metabolic pathologies in obesity are not entirely known.…