Nutrient sensing and inflammation in metabolic diseases. Author(s): Hotamisligil GS, Erbay E|Journal: Nat Rev Immunol|PMID: 19029988| December 2008 The proper functioning of the pathways that are involved in the sensing and management of nutrients is central to metabolic…
Loss of the tuberous sclerosis complex tumor suppressors triggers the unfolded protein response to regulate insulin signaling and apoptosis. Author(s): Ozcan U, Ozcan L, Yilmaz E, Düvel K, Sahin M, Manning BD, Hotamisligil GS|Journal: Mol Cell|PMID: 18342602| March 2008 Mammalian target of rapamycin, mTOR, is a major sensor of nutrient and energy availability in the cell and regulates a…